
Saturday, April 13, 2013

A 'mandatory' pre-Boston post

I feel a bit bad for letting this blog lie idle for quite a long time. Not sure if anyone is going to read it at this point but since it's here, I might as well write something.

Boston Marathon is a bit less than 48 hours from now, so I am not training this weekend and as a result have more time (and energy!) on my hands than usual. It makes me a bit anxious. No, not the race. It's this last 2 days left to go. As much as I don't like stress and pressure, unstructured, "lazy" time, especially just by myself might be even worse for me. I often don't cope well with boredom, being alone and being stuck in my head. So my plan for today is to clean my apartment a bit (already did some of it), pick up my rental car for the long weekend (yes, I (still) do not have my own car - too much trouble - more than my 5 bicycles :-)) and probably go walk the dogs at the shelter (dogs make me happy! I'd like to get one or more of my own at some point but am not sure if right now is the best time for it and if I have what it takes to be a good dog mommy. Oh, and I have a parrot, which makes things a bit more complicated :-)).

Anyway... Boston... I think I'm pretty well prepared. I'd really like to break 3:20 this time. Breaking 3:15 would be even nicer :-) but much harder. I would also like to run a pretty much even split, though I'm almost certainly going to run faster on the downhills than the uphills and flats and the first half of the course has much more descends than ascends, so I'm expecting to run the second half slightly slower. Ideally less than 5 minutes slower... But it's nice that the last 5 miles are downhill. Hopefully I will be able to pick up the pace there a bit! (Though, my legs might be quite sore by that point and I might hate the extra pounding of the downhills...

But we'll see. No point in stressing over the stuff that I cannot change (like the course and the weather/wind speed). Anyway, I guess those are my thoughts for now. The goal for the next 47 hours is to take as good care as I can of myself and after that it's go time!

Hope you are all having a good weekend :-)